Marc Thatcher

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About me

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Sussex in the Foundations of Software Systems Group working on functional programming with interaction nets under the supervision of Prof. Ian Mackie.

My university webpage is here .

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (aka Manchester, 1994) I got a BSc in Computer Science where I learnt to program in Pascal, Prolog and ML. And C.

I prompty left computing and went into the not-so glitzy world of investment banking. After several twists and turns including getting an MBA from the Wharton School at UPenn, I ended up as the Chief Financial Officer of a cycling apparel company in beautiful Ticino, Switzerland.

But now I'm back in the world of theoretical computer science!


CV: A copy of my CV is not yet available.
Last modified on 8th December, 2023.